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Logo von StoP Neukölln

StoP Neukölln
is a project by
Neighborhood Center Neukölln eV

Funded by

Logo Sen Bauen
Logo Nachbarschaftsheim NK e.V.
Logo Sen ASIVA

This is StoP:

To find help:

Intimate partner violence is widespread and occurs everywhere and in all social classes.

Women* and FLINTA are particularly affected by this violence.

StoP “Neighbourhoods without partner violence” is a community work project:
Here, the neighborhood can network and work together to improve conditions in the neighborhood. Through civil courage and joint actions, neighbors can take a stand against partner violence.

StoP Neukölln is in the Körnerkiez.

Link to the flyer.

In Berlin, StoP also exists in Kreuzberg and Spandau . There are also many projects in other German cities.

In Austria there are even over 30 StoP projects.

The concept was developed by Prof. Dr. Sabine Stövesand from the HAW Hamburg.

Link to the nationwide StoP page.

Violence is not a private matter,
but a
Human rights violation!

In case of acute violence:
Call 110!

Are you a victim or would you like to support? 


      030 - 622 22 60

        116 016

What the asterisk after women* means: We want to show that there are many genders that are affected by partner violence. We hope that all people who are affected by partner violence because of our male-dominated society feel addressed.

What cis means: When a person identifies with the biologically assigned gender and feels comfortable with it.

What FLINTA means: FLINTA describes six identities: women, lesbians, intersex, non-binary, trans and agender people.

What neighbors means: We want to address all people in the neighborhood, regardless of gender.

Why partner violence : Partner violence is a long word, which we have deliberately separated for easier reading. This way we try to exclude fewer people.

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